
Poland’s Nature is attractive thanks to its geographic location. Spread between a beautiful Baltic Sea Coast, cool north lands full of lakes, twisted river valleys, extensive forests, to limestone valleys and granite picks. As a result during the trip, you can get a wide range of Polish fauna and flora, which consists of many co-existing ecosystems. To understand the uniqueness of Polish nature lets take a look at the numbers – 19,7% of Poland is under Nature 2000 preservation system! Among them, you can find UNESCO World biosphere reserves and 23 national parks. That guarantee you deep contact with nature, and a closer look for many species of plants and animals building a feeling of unity with the world and reminding the beauty of circle of life.


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Invoice details:

Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków

NIP: 679 315 95 42

Correspondence address:

ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków



Simply Poland is registered in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Intermediaries – No. 11123

According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA



We are member of:

Firma Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o. uczestniczy w projekcie realizowanym przez Województwo Małopolskie – Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości "Małopolska Tarcza Antykryzysowa – pakiet przedsiębiorczość", którego celem jest udzielenie wsparcia poszkodowanym przez COVID-19 przedsiębiorcom z sektora MŚP z województwa małopolskiego. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020. Firma otrzymała grant w wysokości: 27 000 PLN

Anna Chudy
Tel. +48 509 766 251

Gabriela Prasek

Tel. +48 509 766 242

Katarzyna Morek

Tel. +48 502 491 413

Invoice details:

Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków

NIP: 679 315 95 42

Correspondence address:

ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków




Simply Poland is registered in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Intermediaries – No. 11123

According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA



Anna Chudy Tel. +48 509 766 251
Gabriela Prasek Tel. +48 509 766 242
Katarzyna Morek Tel. +48 502 491 413