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Łódź (translates to „boat” in English) was just a small village for a long time.
Its real development started with the industrial era at the beginning of the 19th century when the city was chosen to be the heart of the rapidly growing textile industry. Ever since the industrial revolution brought a massive influx of workforce, Łódź had been a city almost equally divided between four cultures – Polish, Jewish, German and Russian.
Łódź has been capitalising on its film history – Łódź is jokingly referred to as the ” HollyŁódź ” of Poland and hosts several film festivals and many other cultural events. Andrzej Wajda and Roman Polański graduated from the Łódź Film School.


Say hello

Invoice details:

Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków

NIP: 679 315 95 42

Correspondence address:

ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków



Simply Poland is registered in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Intermediaries – No. 11123
Link: https://turystyka.gov.pl/_p_81_s_130609.html

According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA



We are member of:

Firma Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o. uczestniczy w projekcie realizowanym przez Województwo Małopolskie – Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości "Małopolska Tarcza Antykryzysowa – pakiet przedsiębiorczość", którego celem jest udzielenie wsparcia poszkodowanym przez COVID-19 przedsiębiorcom z sektora MŚP z województwa małopolskiego. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020. Firma otrzymała grant w wysokości: 27 000 PLN

Anna Chudy
Tel. +48 509 766 251

Gabriela Prasek

Tel. +48 509 766 242


Katarzyna Morek

Tel. +48 502 491 413


Invoice details:

Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.

ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków

NIP: 679 315 95 42

Correspondence address:

ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków




Simply Poland is registered in the Central Register of Tour Operators and Intermediaries – No. 11123
Link: https://turystyka.gov.pl/_p_81_s_130609.html

According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA



Anna Chudy Tel. +48 509 766 251 office@simplypoland.pl
Gabriela Prasek Tel. +48 509 766 242 office@simplypoland.pl
Katarzyna Morek Tel. +48 502 491 413 office@simplypoland.pl