This historical capital of Silesia and Lower Silesia, established over a thousand years ago, is the largest and most prominent city in western Poland. It lies on both banks of the river Oder and thanks to many islands and bridges it is called the Polish Venice of the North. Wrocław is a city where three different cultures and influences (Poland, German and Czech) were mixed together over centuries. Wrocław is also unique for its Borough of Four Temples — a part of the Old Town where a Synagogue, a Lutheran Church, a Roman Catholic church and an Eastern Orthodox church stand near each other. Full of beautiful Baroque, Gothic and Art Nouveau architecture and unique buildings like The Centennial Hall, filled with concerts, film festivals, art and photography exhibitions and…gnomes, Wrocław has earned the title of European Capital of Culture and an entry into the UNESCO World Book Capital in 2016.
Most popular to see
Wang Church
Churches of Peace in Jawor and Świdnica
Książ Castle
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Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków
NIP: 679 315 95 42
Correspondence address:
ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków
Link: https://turystyka.gov.pl/_p_81_s_130609.html
According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA
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Firma Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o. uczestniczy w projekcie realizowanym przez Województwo Małopolskie – Małopolskie Centrum Przedsiębiorczości "Małopolska Tarcza Antykryzysowa – pakiet przedsiębiorczość", którego celem jest udzielenie wsparcia poszkodowanym przez COVID-19 przedsiębiorcom z sektora MŚP z województwa małopolskiego. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Małopolskiego na lata 2014-2020. Firma otrzymała grant w wysokości: 27 000 PLN
Anna Chudy
Tel. +48 509 766 251
Gabriela Prasek
Tel. +48 509 766 242
Katarzyna Morek
Tel. +48 502 491 413
Invoice details:
Simply Poland DMC Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zbrojarzy 21a/11, 30-412 Kraków
NIP: 679 315 95 42
Correspondence address:
ul. Szybisko 16b/2, 30-698 Kraków
Link: https://turystyka.gov.pl/_p_81_s_130609.html
According to the law which requires the insurance Simply Poland is insured by UNIQA